‏How to be fast in running


The method of accelerating running, whether running is practiced as a recreational or even competitive sport;[1] increasing the speed in running is 

something that a person aspires to in order to burn more calories or even to improve race times,[2] and there are many things and tips that will Increasing the person's running speed, and the following shows, most notably:Psychological readiness The person who 

practices running should be psychologically prepared to bear the effects of fast running; As he may feel some discomfort at first, and this comes from feeling tired and tired in different parts of the body; Such as the muscles of the legs, in addition to the shortness of 

breath that a person may feel when he begins to accelerate his pace in running, and the runner must realize that such a feeling will disappear over time and fast running will become a pleasure for him. [3]

Increasing the distances covered The running speed can be increased by increasing the distance that a person devote to running during one week; Thus, it will show a noticeable improvement in his running speed when intensifying the exercises practiced by the runner, and it is recommended to run for at least two or three days per week, and it is necessary 

to take into account the change of distances and the intensification of the exercises that are practiced every week, and it is also recommended to allocate 

one day for a break from Practicing running exercises.[3] Changing the pace of running It is recommended to change the pace of the player during running to increase his speed in this sport, and this is 

one of the things that have proven effective in order to increase speed and endurance; Where the exercises must be practiced in different rhythms from each other, and a stopwatch can be used to change the speed, and this is done by slowing the running speed by two minutes 

from the previous speed after cutting a distance of a kilometer and a half, for example, and then changing the pace periodically in the same pattern until completing The specified distance.[1] 

Running on the racetrack The track for competitive races can be used to practice running and speed it up, and the track is chosen according to the person's level of experience and fitness as a runner; A beginner starts with a few laps so that he 

increases his speed in the straight sections of the track and then decreases it in the corners, and it is recommended to run for four full laps around the track, and 

the 400m distance on the racetrack is an ideal distance to increase the speed and endurance when running through it For several times interspersed with a short break between each cycle and another around the track.[1] Running correctly Practicing running correctly is one of the important things that makes a difference 

in the person’s arrival to increase his speed while jogging, and there are many things that must be taken into account to practice running correctly, including Leaning on the entire foot while running 

and not resting on the heel of the foot only; As this wastes the body's energy, and the player must realize what is the rate of rotation that he can achieve while jogging and increase this rate, knowing 

that what is meant by the rate of rotation is the number of steps a person takes during one minute.[1] To learn more On how to run correctly, you can read the article The correct way to run Practicing anaerobic exercises Anaerobic exercises that a person depends on having a small 

amount of oxygen is important in increasing the running speed and developing the runner’s endurance, and this type of exercise can be practiced by starting with normal running for a period of time. ranging from five to ten minutes, 

then running for a period ranging from fifteen to twenty minutes, then the running is accelerated at a moderate level so that the player does not feel very tired or completely rest, and at the end of the time the speed is reduced for five or ten 

minutes in order to cool the body and reduce its heat .[3] Eating a healthy diet A healthy diet is essential for people who want to exercise in general; As the intense exercises performed by these people burn calories in large quantities from their bodies, which must be compensated with 

healthy food rich in nutrients, vitamins, and protein,[4] but it must be taken into account that the person’s weight remains appropriate in a way that enables him to develop his speed in running And often the lighter weight is more appropriate to achieve a faster run, as it is estimated that a person can increase his speed by 

two seconds per kilo and a half of distance for every 4.5 kilograms of weight

‏lost.[3] Different tips to speed up The accompanying shows a few hints and ways Others that can expand an individual's running speed:[2] Wear garments and shoes reasonable for running, as well as covering the closures of the body in chilly climate. Drink a lot of 

water and other sound beverages to keep the body hydrated. Do heat up practices before you begin running. Do strength and wellness works out. Foster an unmistakable arrangement for the individual's activity plan. Running in a gathering to expand inspiration and 

energize the individual. Inhale appropriately through the mouth while running. The impact of steroids on competitors Steroids are characterized as engineered chemicals that improve the body's solidarity capacity and increment its creation of muscles, and a few 

competitors take steroids to upgrade their capacity to run quicker, and the utilization of such steroids without a clinical explanation is in opposition to sports laws on the planet, and in spite of its wrongdoing, taking steroids has many adverse consequences on the player's 

body, particularly in case they are utilized in enormous portions. It ought to be noticed that the adverse consequences may not show up quickly on the player, yet they might cause genuine wellbeing 

impacts a long time in the wake of taking them; Where energizers can mess up the regenerative arrangement of all kinds of people the same, notwithstanding numerous issues 

‏Eating other health;[5], for example, hypertension, elevated cholesterol level, notwithstanding the presence of grains on the player's back, an expansion in hair development and an increment in his forceful conduct. Common running is characterized as an actual work of 

running or running rapidly by walking, and running can be polished as a sort of sporting game, or work out, or even as a cutthroat sport,[7] and this game needn't bother with a great deal of hardware; As everything necessary is for an individual to wear appropriate shoes and afterward begin moving at a quicker speed than 

strolling, yet this requires certain motor strategies to be done effectively, including the accompanying:[8] Head position:The head should be straight during running so no The individual's jawline is shifted up or down, notwithstanding the individual's need to keep his eyes centered before him. Shoulders position:the shoulders ought to be opened during running with the goal that they are straight and not 

twisted forward, and during running, the shoulders should be moved freely of the storage compartment and inverse one another, when one of the feet is pushed ahead, one of the shoulders additionally pushes ahead while the other shoulder moves While moving the other foot. The situation of the arms:the individual's arms should be at a point of ninety degrees 

with his body; The palms of the hands climb close to the jawline and down to the hip region, and the development of the arms is vital in assisting the individual with running rapidly. The situation of the palms of the hands:the palms of two hands of 

the individual ought to be agreeable while running; Not doing as such takes up the energy that ought to go into running. Trunk position:the energy of the human body during running should be produced from the middle region that contains the back; Where the middle is the focal point of gravity during running, the individual's 

middle should move with the development of the leg that is venturing forward to create force to pivot toward the development of the foot. Hips position:Running requires the competitor's body to be shifted forward a bit, and this slant ought to be through the hips and not through the shoulders.
