‏Essay on sport and its importance

Introduction:Sports is a way of life. Sports is one of the most important activities that everyone must practice as a way of life on a permanent basis, and not make it linked to a specific place or time. It is possible to exercise daily in simple ways by walking or running or practicing some light sports movements in an entertaining and enjoyable way. In general and fitness, sport is a great blessing and everyone can start it easily.

Presentation:Sport is the fuel for the body and mind. Exercise is very important for both the body and the mind. It revitalizes the body, gives it vitality and energy, increases positive energy and reduces negative energy. That is why psychiatrists and doctors of other diseases recommend the need to exercise the body to stimulate it to heal, because it has a strong impact on the immune system, as it works to strengthen it and motivate it to work.

It helps the individual to overcome psychological crises such as:anxiety, depression and tension, as exercise helps stimulate the body to secrete hormones of happiness, and this in turn improves the mood significantly, and those who exercise enjoy a high physical fitness that makes them stronger and more able to withstand various pressures. Sports also helps to give logical solutions to the crises that a person is going through from a psychological point of view because it stimulates positive thinking, as the impact of sports is very large on the mind. This is what makes many people who have experienced the impact of sports in their lives keen to exercise on a daily and 

regular basis. It is not a requirement for a person to participate in the gym in order to do it, as sports can be practiced at home in many ways, and even while going to work for those who do not have time, instead of using transportation, it is possible to rely on walking to reach the workplace, and stairs can be used to go up and down the floors and dispense about the electric elevator, so that a 

person can exercise at all times. Sports are diverse and a person can choose what suits him, as some can practice aerobic sports such as walking, football, basketball and others, while some prefer water sports such as swimming and water skiing, and some can practice strength 

sports such as boxing, taekwondo, karate, wrestling and others . In all cases, each of these sports has a benefit that may differ slightly from the other, and the beautiful thing at the present time is that interest in sports has become on a global level, and is no longer just a hobby practiced by 

people, but has been organized and many laws have been established to practice it, and there are many sports teams around the world for different Types of sports, which contributed to its spread. Some people have a passion for sports more than others, and these people were able to discover the joy of sports, so it became 

a daily activity for them, and these people enjoy better health. Sports maintains the health of the heart and blood vessels because it reduces the concentration of cholesterol and fats in the body. It also prevents weight gain and burns calories, which means A healthier body, which also reflects positively on your blood sugar 

level. Sports have countless benefits, and they are not limited to one or two benefits. The person who practices sports feels that he is in a state of constant activity and enjoys a more comfortable sleep than the lazy person who used to sit in his place for long hours without moving as required. Sport is of great importance and benefit for women; Because it achieves what she wants and gives her a 

harmonious sculpted body as she likes. It also helps in strengthening bones and tendons, increasing joint flexibility and preventing osteoporosis. It also gives lightness in movement, increases the efficiency of the digestive system, and 

activates bowel movement. Sports can be practiced in the form of groups of friends or within the same family to encourage better exercise, or it can be practiced in natural areas in the open air because of this wonderful effect on increasing breathing capacity and maintaining the health of the lungs, as well as 

strengthening the muscles and increasing the muscle mass in the body, This, in turn, enhances the body's metabolic processes, which has an impact on body weight. One of the good things that encourage people to practice sports, 

especially children and youth, is that they join sports clubs and go to them in their spare time and play in various sports under the supervision of coaches or under the supervision of parents. To practice sports with passion and love. The media also plays an important role in informing people about the importance of exercise; Through audio, visual, print and social 

media, people are usually influenced by what expert people say about the benefits and harms. Sport contributes to achieving openness between societies because it brings together people from different cultures and fans of the same sports teams, and this increases the openness of peoples to each other and enhances respect and tolerance among them. Conclusion:Sport is an arena for competition and creativity. Today, sport has become an open arena for 

competition and creativity among competitors. Where many people practice it professionally and reach advanced positions of breaking records and fame and achieving many gains, and this means that sport is not just a hobby but can be exploited so that it becomes a way to win and achieve gains, and it can also be a door to livelihood through 

professional playing or training And no matter how different the way of exercising, its benefits are the most important and it is the supreme goal.
