‏Benefits of whey

Benefits of whey Nutritional components of whey is a good source of minerals:Whey is a rich source of protein, and it also provides good amounts of minerals, 

such as:potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and zinc. Possibly Effective Muscle Health:Whey protein can maintain muscle health by enhancing muscle 

strength, as a study published in The Journals of gerontology in 2013 showed an increase in muscle mass and strength 

as a result of taking protein supplements from whey concentrate. [2] In another study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine insport in 2009, it showed 

that protein supplements can help restore damaged tissues and speed up the healing process from muscle damage caused by exercise. Infants:A meta-

analysis published in the Journal of Gastroenterol Nutrition in 2010 showed that giving children whey protein had a lower risk of atopic dermatitis. Reducing 

the risk of allergy in children:

comprehensive analysis published in the World Allergy Organization Journal in 2017, indicated that the use of whey protein may be a good option to reduce the risk of various allergic diseases. 

Reducing the symptoms of psoriasis:A laboratory study published in the Canadian journal of Physiology and Pharmacology in 2007 showed that whey 

protein extract can help inhibit the proliferation of cells that cause psoriasis. It also helps reduce the symptoms of psoriasis in people with it in its mild to moderate stages.

There is insufficient evidence of its effectiveness (Insufficient Evidence)Reducing the risk of developing meat 

atrophy:(Sarcopenia), which is one of the diseases associated with aging, represented by the loss of muscle mass 

and strength, which in turn affects balance, walking, and the general ability to perform the tasks of daily life, [7] Therefore, adding whey protein in addition 

to exercising, may increase muscle strength in the elderly, and it can also be added to other compounds to increase its 

effectiveness such as creatine, fats, vitamins and minerals. A laboratory study published in the journal Cancer Letters, 

that dairy foods, including whey protein, can affect the inhibition of the development of several types of 

cancerous tumors, as a diet containing whey protein can contribute to reducing the risk of cancerous tumors in rodents, 

By increasing the concentration of glutathione in tissues, which is one of the types of antioxidants.[9] Contributing to enhancing cognitive abilities:A study was 

published in The American Journal an journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2002, conducted to investigate the effect of whey protein on cognitive abilities, and it 

appeared that whey protein, which contains a compound called lactalbumin, can help increase the activity of serotonin and tryptophan in the brain, and thus 

Improving cognitive performance in people exposed to stress.[10] Reducing the risk of cystic fibrosis:(in English:Cystic fibrosis), which is known as a genetic disorder that occurs due to severe 

damage to the lungs, digestive system, and other organs of the body,[11] and in a study published In the Journal of cystic fibrosis in 2003, and conducted to investigate the effect of whey protein in 

reducing the risk of developing this disease in a group of people with cystic fibrosis, they were given daily whey supplement, and it was found that it led to 

an increase in the concentration of glutathione levels in lymphocytes, and decreased From oxidative stress caused by cystic fibrosis.[12] Helping to regulate 

blood sugar levels:A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2005, conducted on A group of 14 people suffering from type 2 diabetes 

found that giving them whey protein in their diet can stimulate insulin secretion and reduce blood glucose after a meal. An in vitro study published in Food and Nutrition Science Communication in 2006, that whey protein can help inhibit the 

increase in the activity of alanine, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, and bilirubin, which are markers of hepatitis, and whey protein helps to Reducing the risk of developing hepatitis and portal fibrosis in mice,[14] It 

should be noted that people with kidney or liver problems may wish to avoid taking whey protein, or consult a doctor before taking it.[15] On lowering blood pressure: 

A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2016 showed that taking whey nutritional 

supplements reduced diastolic and systolic blood pressure [16] Ovaries in women:A study was published in the journal Current Developments in Nutrition 

in 2019, conducted on 21 women, who were given 35 grams of protein, and it was noted that it may help relieve PCOS and 

reduce its symptoms. [17]

Safety of whey There is no information available on the safety of whey. Contraindications to the use of pulp serum

n Whey protein may have some undesirable side effects in some cases, as 

people who are allergic to cow’s milk should avoid using whey protein,[19] and people may also need to avoid taking whey protein. Who suffer from kidney or liver problems, or consult a doctor before 

consuming it. There is evidence to suggest that a diet rich in protein can be harmful to people with kidney disease, and may damage their kidneys, so if a person has kidney disease, it is best to 

see a doctor to see if whey protein is appropriate for them. On the other hand, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that excessive intake of whey protein can harm the kidneys in healthy people. Get 

rid of it to lose weight, as a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 2014 showed that replacing other sources of calories with 

whey protein, in addition to exercising such as lifting weights, can lead to weight loss of approximately 3.5 kilograms. , in addition to the increase in muscle mass.[

21][15] What is whey For the manufacture of cheese or casein, [22][23] Protein powders and drinks are among the most popular nutritional supplements, and whey protein is one of the most common of these, which contains fast-digesting proteins that are commonly known as 

whey protein. :whey protein), which is extracted from dairy products, as whey protein constitutes 20% of the protein in milk before processing, while 80% of the protein in milk consists of slow-digesting casein proteins, and these proteins are considered T of high quality proteins; Because it contains all the amino acids that the body needs, whey is especially 

useful for helping to increase the production of new proteins in the muscles, and it is worth noting that there are different types of whey protein that are used in nutritional supplements, including:whey isolate, whey Concentrate, which is the most common.[24   

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